Which protein powder is best for health? Doctor spills beans on best ingredients for losing weight, building muscles
Which protein powder is best for health? Doctor spills beans on best ingredients for losing weight, building muscles ByTapatrisha Das Mar 02, 2025 01:26 PM IST Read this news in brief form Share Via Copy Link For building muscles or losing weight, know which protein powder to go for, according to a doctor.
For the ones going to the gym to build muscles, or lose weight, it is an age-old dilemma on which protein powder to go for. Often people feel inclined on having a protein-rich diet to acquire as much protein intake they can from their daily diet without including protein supplement in their daily consumption. But what is healthy and what is not? Also read | Is protein powder good for health? From muscle building to digestive issues, things to consider
Make sure that there are no added sugars in your protein powder, according to Dr Darien Sutton. (Representative picture: Pexels)
In an interview with Good Morning America, Dr. Darien Sutton, emergency medicine physician and medical correspondent for ABC News revealed the best way to choose which protein powder to go for.
For building muscles
Dr Darien Sutton said that while it can be confusing to choose which protein powder to go for, we should know our needs and choose accordingly. For the ones trying to build more muscles, it is best to go for whey protein supplements that they contain amin acids. Amino acids facilitate in building muscles. Also read | Heavy on protein shakes to jack up? Study shows why this may be detrimental to your mental wellbeing
Dr Darien Sutton suggested paying attention to the ingredients of the protein powder before buying it. “Make sure that there are no added sugars and you want to look for ingredients to avoid dextrose sweeteners. Anything that starts with dextrose often is a sweetener so you want to make sure to avoid it and decrease in your carbs,” said Dr Darien Sutton.
For vegetarians, soy protein, pea protein and hemp protein can be really helpful, suggested Dr Darien Sutton.
Dr Darien Sutton highlighted that instead of buying pre-made protein shakes, it is best to buy in bulk to avoid extra charges. Also read | Protein powder for busy professionals: 5 quick and easy protein hacks for work days
Dr Darien Sutton answered a question related to pre-diabetes and if it can be reversed. The doctor explained that pre-diabetes often does not contain any symptoms, making it more difficult to be detected. However, if a person has been diagnosed pre-diabetic, it is a great place to start the process of reversal by fixing the diet and lifestyle. Also read | Smart eating for diabetes: Nutritionist-approved diet tips to keep your blood sugar in check
Note to readers: This article is for informational purposes only and not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your doctor with any questions about a medical condition.
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