During the morning hours of Thursday, January 16, the Indian space agency succeeded in mechanically attaching (docking) two satellites flying at velocities over 28,000kmph, almost 470kms above Earth. India became the fourth nation - and the fifth space agency when we factor in European Space Agency - to achieve such space docking.
ISRO's SpaDeX mission: India fifth in elite list to perform space docking
ISRO's SpaDeX mission: India fifth in elite list to perform space docking During the morning hours of Thursday, January 16, the Indian space agency succeeded in mechanically attaching (docking) two satellites flying at velocities over 28,000kmph, almost 470kms above Earth. India became the fourth nation - and the fifth space agency when we factor in European Space Agency - to achieve such space docking.
During the morning hours of Thursday, January 16, the Indian space agency succeeded in mechanically attaching (docking) two satellites flying at velocities over 28,000kmph, almost 470kms above Earth. India became the fourth nation - and the fifth space agency when we factor in European Space Agency - to achieve such space docking.
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