Are you triggering mature media consumption for your children? Study warns parents
Are you triggering mature media consumption for your children? Study warns parents ByTapatrisha Das Feb 11, 2025 05:34 PM IST Read this news in brief form Share Via Copy Link The study observed that a parent’s screen habits can have direct impact on the child’s media consumption. Here’s how it works.
Parents, your screen exposure can have a direct impact on the content consumption habits of your children. According to a recent study led by Dr. Jason M. Nagata, University of California, San Francisco, parents who are looking to reduce screen time for their children, should watch their own screen exposure habits first. Also read | New research shows reducing screen time drastically improves your child's mental wellbeing in just 2 weeks
Parents who are looking to reduce screen time for their children, should watch their behavioural patterns around their children. (Shutterstock) Findings of the study:
The study was conducted by analysing data from 10,054 early adolescents aged 12-13. Published in BMC Pediatrics, the study is a wake-up call on how parental screen habits can be directly linked to the media consumption habits in teens.
The researchers observed that parents who use screen during their time with children, at dinner time or while speaking to them, directly influence the children to turn to their screens for more exposure. It was also observed that when teens are exposed to screen time as a way of punishment, they are more likely to engage in mature content.
According to the study, parents with heavy screen usage had 11% more impact on children turning to mature content for their media consumption. When screens are accessed at bedrooms, 44% of teens turned to mature content. Family mealtime screen usage was directly linked to 19% increase in R-rated movies and 26% increase for mature video games. Also read | Experts on harmful effects of social media overuse in teens, suggest ideal screen time
Lead author Dr. Jason M. Nagata, associate professor of pediatrics at the University of California, San Francisco, in a statement said, “Bedroom screen use emerged as the strongest predictor of mature media consumption. When children have unrestricted access to screens, particularly in the privacy of their bedrooms, it opens the door to unchecked exposure to age-inappropriate content.”
The researchers also observed the impact of heavy media usage of parents were more prominent in male teens. Bedroom screen time and parental control drove more male teens to mature content, such as R-rated movies and mature video games. For females, the impact was lot less. The researchers explained, that the gendered differences can be related to varying interests or different approaches of parental controls, based on the gender of the child. Also read | Screens before bed ruining your teens sleep? This new research might just change your mind
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your doctor with any questions about a medical condition.
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